CPA Forum North 2019 October 27 -29
Interested in Sponsoring the Conference?
The conference has a limited number of sponsor spaces available. Your participation is sincerely appreciated and the contribution you make is communicated to all attending the conference. You will have exposure to approximately 100 plus practitioners from across northern Alberta.
We offer three sponsorship levels:
Platinum Sponsor $10,000 Exclusive to 1 sponsor only
Gold Sponsor (Option 1) $5,000 Exclusive to 2 or 3 sponsors only (approved by the committee)
Gold Sponsor (Option 2) $5,000 Exclusive to 1 or 2 sponsors only
Silver Sponsor $2,500Multiple Sponsors
Please contact us to secure your sponsorship and to inquire about any add-on’s currently available. cpaforumnorth@gmail.com
Contact Edmonton CPA Club
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